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Mayorga, Sarah, Megan Underhill, and Lauren Crosser. 2023. “Aisle Inequality.” Contexts 22(1): 

Mayorga, Sarah, Megan Underhill, and Lauren Crosser. 2022. ““I Hate That Food Lion”: Grocery Shopping, Racial Capitalism, and Everyday Disinvestment.” City and Community 21(3)

*View policy brief based on this research here

Mayorga-Gallo, Sarah. 2019. “The white-centering logic of diversity ideology.” American Behavioral Scientist 63(13): 1789-1809. 

Mayorga-Gallo, Sarah. 2018. “Whose Best Friend? Dogs and racial boundary maintenance in a multiracial neighborhood.” Sociological Forum. 33(2).

*View  The Conversation article based on this research here

*View my short video for MoMA's R&D Salon on Dogs here

Malat, Jennifer, Sarah Mayorga-Gallo, and David R. Williams. 2018. "The effects of whiteness on the health of whites in the USA." Social Science & Medicine 199: 148-156.
Smith, Candis Watts and Sarah Mayorga-Gallo. 2017. "The New Principle-Policy Gap: How Diversity Ideology Subverts Diversity Initiatives." Sociological Perspectives 60(5): 889-911.
Mayorga-Gallo, Sarah and Elizabeth Hordge-Freeman. 2017. “Between Marginality and Privilege: Gaining access and navigating the field in multiethnic settings.” Qualitative Research 17(4):377-394.
Bonilla-Silva, Eduardo and Sarah Mayorga. 2009. “Si Me Permiten Hablar: Limitations of the Human Rights Tradition to Address Racial Inequality.” Societies without Borders 4:366-382.
For information on Behind the White Picket Fence (UNC Press, 2014), click here
For information on
Urban Specters (UNC Press, 2023), click here
For information on
A Good Reputation (U Chicago Press, 2024), click here
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